With a network of formal and informal partners across the Nordic countries, Europe, Asia and the USA, MARITIME EQUIPMENT NORWAY (MEN) will efficiently handle sales of maritime equipment and systems across geographical borders. Our main focus is to represent high-end equipment suppliers and partners in the Nordic countries and Europe. We are also set up to represent pricipals in the USA, with a specific focus on Scandinavian pricipals.
Our global network will assure that all involved parties, i.e. equipment maker, ship yard, and ship owner are fully coordinated and informed throughout the sales process.
In cases where the sold equipment is delivered in Europe, MEN can assist with planning and executing projects related to the delivery, installation and commissioning of the equipment. This can e.g. be retrofit of a Fuel Gas Supply System for "green propulsion".
Having MEN involved in the project phase will effectively bridge the geographical and time gap between our Asian principals, having their European knowledge hub available locally, both on site and via phone and email.
Throughout the operational phase of the delivered equipment, MEN will support with delivery of the necessary spare parts, based on extensive system know-how. We will advise on the necessary and correct spares in each case, for the highest possible system uptime. For some critical spares, a warehouse will be kept locally.
Short lead times and efficient back office functions locally will support end customer operation.
MEN will have a network of Service Engineers available in our territorry, with equipment know-how, to support in case of operational issues. Training of the Service Engineers will be done in close collaboration with each principal. The Service Engineers will also be available for commissioning support for projects executed in Europe.
The Service Enigineers will be supported by technical resources backoffice, by MEN and the principal, both when planning and executing service jobs.